Meeting Time: January 14, 2021 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

F.-3 21-0064 Approval by the Measure N Commission of a 2020-2021 budget modification request from Coliseum College Preparatory Academy transferring the total amount of $50,000.00 from two different strategic actions; $8,000.00 from Supplies & Materials and $42,000.00 from Teacher Salary Stipends (No impact due to Distance Leaning less funds will be needed for extended contracts) to Clerical Salaries to open a Case Manager Position, as stated in the justification section of the New or Revised Strategic Action Section of the Budget Modification Form.

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    M S about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the employment of Donnie Barclift Field Supervisor of Nutrition Services. To those that know this individuals past know that he never graduated any university or even had interest to take a single college courses. Yet in 2008 this individual was employed by some way to receive a salary just a few thousand dollars less than his manager who has a Masters degree. This corrupt practice of hiring staff to work in OUSD that never had enough respect for the DOE to even attend university courses must be investigated.