Meeting Time: January 08, 2021 at 8:00am PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

E.-3 20-2435 A Report to the Facilities Committee by Deputy Chief, Facilities Planning and Management or designee, regarding the budget for the Cole Administration Building Project and the need to complete the project on schedule as it relates to the termination of the 1000 Broadway lease for administrative offices.

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    Carol Delton about 4 years ago

    Please explore housing administrators at school sites. This option was never fully costed out or explored with the Board. Recent Developments make this proposal more cost effective including: 1) continued downsizing of central office depts;; 2) more positions partly working from home;; 3)improved video conferencing options between sites; 4) leveraging specialized funding), the opportunity to improve ventilation, internet capability and other amenities for students and staff working at the same site 5) space optimization through furnishing discussed at the December Facilities meeting works for classroom size spaces and 6) the use of Santa Fe by the Sped Dept as a test case for actual needs 7) Site one-pagers created in August 2020 list half a dozen sites operating with both less than 80% capacity full and at least 10 classrooms open, to provide room for both staff and for school site swing spaces.