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Agenda Item

G.-6 20-2530 Presentation to and discussion by LCAP - Parent Advisory Committee of OUSD Reopening Plan and Return to In-Person Learning: 1st PART OF THE PRESENTATION (15) Guiding Questions: 1.What is allowable under California's Blueprint for a Safer Economy? Is what OUSD's reopening plan allowsdifferent or similar from the State's blueprint? 2.What in-person student support is currently occurring? 3.What preparations have been made for the safety of students and staff during in-person learning? (personal protective equipment, protocols for use of masks and social distancing, facilities readiness, cleaning protocols, health screening, contact tracing and quarantine procedures, testing, communication with families about preparation and protocols, targeted approaches to address challenges related to language, dis/ability, unhoused and foster experiences, disparate treatment of students based on race/ethnicity, parents/guardians who cannot be reached, etc.) BREAKOUT GROUP DISCUSSION (15) 2nd PART OF THE PRESENTATION (10) Guiding Questions: 4.How will different groups of students gradually return to in-person learning? What is the phased-inapproach? What is the rationale for how different groups of students will be phased in? 5.How would the proposed hybrid model of combined in-person and distance learning function? 6.What options will be available to students who are not able to return to in-person learning or whose families do not choose for them to do so? BREAKOUT GROUP DISCUSSION (15) 3rd PART OF THE PRESENTATION (15) Guiding Questions: 7.What are some ways in which the needs and choices of families could impact key elements of the plan?How are some early findings from the Fall Family Survey re/shaping the plan that was submitted? 8.What are some ways in which the needs and choices of teachers could impact key elements of the plan? 9.What will be the timeline and process for negotiating with the teachers union? BREAKOUT GROUP DISCUSSION (15) REPORT BACK FROM BREAKOUT GROUPS & DISCUSSION (15)

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    M S about 4 years ago

    First let me thank you for inviting me to provide my comment as afforded under the 1st Amendment of the US Constition.
    Parents, please sign the petition for the immediate resignation of a violent and subversive employee. Please protect your children from this man.