Meeting Time: December 14, 2020 at 6:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

G.-4 20-2518 Presentation to and discussion by Community Advisory Committee of Plan to Address Disproportionality in Suspensions and ED Identification for African American Students: Guiding Questions for the Presentation: 1)What factors did the stakeholder engagement process identify ascontributing to the disproportionate suspensions of African Americanstudents with dis/abilities? 2)What actions have been planned to address disproportionality insuspensions? 3)What factors did the stakeholder engagement process identify ascontributing to disproportionality in the identification of AfricanAmerican students under the category of Emotional Disturbance (ED)? 4)What actions have been planned to address disproportionality in in theidentification of African American students under the ED category? Presentation (20 minutes) Clarifying Questions (15 minutes) Breakout Group Discussions (20 minutes) Report Back and Large Group Discussion (20 minutes)