Thank you for the opportunity to ask some questions and make some comments. 1) Please clarify --does the variance compare to the adopted June budget or one of the revised budgets (and which)? 2) Please identify operational reasons/hypotheses for the cost increases or savings 3)How do these operational reasons translate into areas for more accurate budget projections and/or areas to change operationally, both leading to mitigation of potential cuts? 4) It would be appropriate to clarify that the audit finding of 41.million re: benefits remains a district resource...what is the state of HBGB negotiations? 5) Are Community Development funds likely to be an annual source of revenue? 6)Can STRS on behalf notation be included in the budget earlier so that it doesn't constantly come up at the end of the year? Thank you for providing a variance report!
Thank you for the opportunity to ask some questions and make some comments. 1) Please clarify --does the variance compare to the adopted June budget or one of the revised budgets (and which)? 2) Please identify operational reasons/hypotheses for the cost increases or savings 3)How do these operational reasons translate into areas for more accurate budget projections and/or areas to change operationally, both leading to mitigation of potential cuts? 4) It would be appropriate to clarify that the audit finding of 41.million re: benefits remains a district resource...what is the state of HBGB negotiations? 5) Are Community Development funds likely to be an annual source of revenue? 6)Can STRS on behalf notation be included in the budget earlier so that it doesn't constantly come up at the end of the year? Thank you for providing a variance report!