Meeting Time: November 18, 2020 at 5:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

H.-5 20-2023 Submission Public Hearing by the Board of Education of Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lodestar: A Lighthouse Community Public School - Material Revision - One Revision: Changes to lottery preferences or admission procedures i.e., - Revision of enrollment priorities in order to accommodate recruiting and accepting an unsheltered student population to meet the demands of one of Oakland's most vulnerable student population - unsheltered youth, for Grades K-12 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2023.

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    Robbie Torney over 4 years ago

    Lodestar is committed to serving Oakland's most vulnerable students. Please approve this material revision of our charter to make it easier for Oakland's unsheltered students to enroll at our school.

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    Carol Delton over 4 years ago

    I oppose an increase in enrollment (which is called for in both the Lighthouse and Lodestar petitions) while the OUSD is considering closing and consolidating district schools, and certainly for a charter school which is both outside the Oakland SELPA and whichdoes not equitably serve students with disabilities.

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    Jenna Stauffer over 4 years ago

    Lodestar and Lighthouse have been a bastion of quality for almost 20 years in Oakland. Whenever we can and however we can, we ask ourselves, "How can we do more to serve and improve Oakland for all?" Now - with Covid 19, increased gentrification, and a homeless crisis of epic proportion, we are doubling down on seeking out and serving unsheltered students. I am 100% confident that we can be a home place for children and youth who need an anchor of stability and hope in their lives. Not only will they be wrapped around with basic needs, but they will receive social and emotional supports. Dreams of a brighter future will be realized for Oakland's most vulnerable. Please support.

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    Shelley Bell over 4 years ago

    There is no time more important than this present moment to ensure we provide quality education for our use and safe facilities for learning.

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    Elizabeth Jimenez over 4 years ago

    Nosotros apoyamos a la Escuela Lodestar .
    Gracias por renovar la escuela

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    Denisse Morales over 4 years ago

    I support

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    Christine Zwerling over 4 years ago

    Yes, I strongly support this. We need to take care of our Oakland kids who are most at risk and in need.

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    Irma Ulloa over 4 years ago

    I support

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    RUCHI KWATRA over 4 years ago

    Regarding implementing this at Chabot - this was brought to the parents attention in mid-October, and 2 weeks later it was presented to the school board. This feels like it has been intentionally fast-tracked to avoid contradicting feedback by the parents. What is the urgency?

    I am of south asian Indian descent and expected when we started at Chabot to see a racially diverse classroom. My kids were the only non-white children in their classroom. If we are going to add another criteria to admissions, I request that OUSD explore ways to ensure classrooms are diverse across ALL races, nationality, and ethnicity. What do I say to my Indian child when she or he asks why all the kids in his/her class are white, or why in the entire 100 students of Kindergarteners there is only 1 other brown child? We need to be better about making sure all nationalities, races, ethnicities are represented.