Meeting Time: November 18, 2020 at 5:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

H.-2 20-2018 Decision Public Hearing: Adoption by the Board of Staff Report - Recommendations/Findings - Approving Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lighthouse Community Charter School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-8 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 (5 Year Renewal

Legislation Text 20-2018 Presentation - Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lighthouse Community Charter School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-8 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 (5 Year Renewal) 20-2018 Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lighthouse Community Charter School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-8 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 (5 Year Renewal) (Red-lined Copy) 20-2018 Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lighthouse Community Charter School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-8 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 (5 Year Renewal) (Clear Copy) 20-2018 Proof of Publication - Oakland Tribune - Submission Public Hearing Notice 20-2018 Decision Hearing - Presentation - OUSD Staff Report - Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lighthouse Community Charter School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-8 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 (5 Year Renewal) (Posted 10/30/20) 20-2018 Decision Hearing - OUSD Staff Report - Lighthouse Community Charter Public Schools - Lighthouse Community Charter School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-8 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 (5 Year Renewal) (Posted 10/30/20) 20-2018 Proof of Publication - Oakland Tribune - Decision Public Hearing Notice 20-2018 Presentation - Petitioners Response - Decision Hearing - OUSD Staff Report - Lighthouse Community Charter School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-8 - July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2026 (5 Year Renewal) (Posted 11/13/20)
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    Maricela Fierro over 4 years ago

    Tengo dos hijos en Lighthouse y estoy muy contenta es muy buena escuela y sus métodos de enseñanza son muy buenos, necesitamos que lighthouse permanezca para un mejor futuro para nuestros hijos y una buen aprendizaje.

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    Mia Anderson over 4 years ago

    My friends children attend Lighthouse and have grown so much because of this institution. The families and children trust this school to guide their kids in the right direction. Please keep this school open for future generation to excel the way her children have.

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    Ana Dubon over 4 years ago

    Lighthouse es una muy buena escuela tienen muy buenos maestros y siempre están pendientes de todos sus estudiantes necesitamos la escuela

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    Victoria Camposeco over 4 years ago

    we need Lighthose open for the next years, it has amazing techers. Pleas do not shut this down.

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    John Bernard over 4 years ago

    My grandkids goes here and he is excelling beyond belief. He loves this school and i am so proud of his grades this year. This school is doing amazing and truly helping the children.

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    Community Supporter over 4 years ago

    We desperately need this school and all it does.

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    Xireni Velez over 4 years ago

    Keep my school open I need to get my education please keep Lighthouse open Lighthouse has taught me a lot I love my school please renew Lighthouse

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    Sherita Brazzell over 4 years ago

    Please renew the charter for Lighthouse Community Charter School grades K-8. It is a wonderful school for our neighborhood and my 4th grader is prospering. He was actually the student speaker at the OUSD board meeting. He is becoming a very well rounded young African American child with friends from multi cultural backgrounds similar to me.

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    community supporter over 4 years ago

    This school is so great you CANNOT shut this school down. all the kids need to learn and the teachers do their best to teach the kids. Please keep this school open for another 5 years and more.

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    Carmen Contreras over 4 years ago

    Estoy contenta en ligththouse tengo 2 hijos ahi y creo k es una buena escuela k les brinda a los estudiantes la atencion k rekieren

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    Andrew Morris over 4 years ago

    Lighthouse prepared me really well for life after school. I started in 6th grade, so I know the ins and out if the school. The organization & the education helped me a lot after I graduated.

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    Devonte Morris over 4 years ago

    Lighthouse has been one of the best things that has happened to me in my life. From attending at 3rd grade to graduating in 2015, I have always felt love and support from my peers and teachers.

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    valentin serrano over 4 years ago

    lighthouse me gusta mucho porque los maestros nos ayudan mucho en el estudio de nuestros hijos , nos avisan por cualquier problema que tengan con los estudiantes , y estan en cualquier momento que nuestros hijos les piden ayuda ,

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    Sergio Mendoza over 4 years ago

    It’s lit

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    Sam C over 4 years ago

    Lighthouse is the reason why I got into college and graduated now I’m a teacher at lighthouse. Greatest school ever.

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    Camren Byrd over 4 years ago

    I like that Lighthouse Community Charter School is accessible for it's students and that it prepares it's students for college

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    Herman Jimenez over 4 years ago

    Mis hijos se graduaron de Lighthouse! Y les estoy agradecido a todos los maestros.

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    Maria Ramirez over 4 years ago

    Lighthouse and Lodestar schools are both fantastic schools. They are always showing up for all of our families and always shows us how great of a community we are.

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    Tina Hernandez over 4 years ago

    I support Lighthouse in our petition for a 5-year charter renewal because our commitment to serving BIPOC is real. We hire people who deeply believe in the capacity of our children in practice. We challenge ourselves every day to do what others may believe to be impossible, love and rigor. We partner with families to ensure they are academically engaged in the lives of their children. My siblings graduated, my children attend, and I would tell anyone in Oakland if you want your child to have an opportunity to go to college and not assimilate but change the narrative in higher education...send them to Lighthouse!
    Ms. Hernandez, K-8 Principal

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    Stephanie Villatoro over 4 years ago

    Apoyo esta escuela y el modelo de educación es ejemplar.