Good evening. May you and your loved ones be healthy and safe. As a teacher who misses the in person classroom beyond what words can express, I ask you to please commit to the following
1. Only reopen in person instruction to serve unhoused youth and youth with IEPs, a small enough # to welcome safely. Do NOT reopen to the wider student body until there is a widely used vaccine against COVID19. Anything less than that is a stopgap measure. More kids will die and more teachers will die and more families will die from the virus unless we wait.
2.. Ensure that our students receive the additional support they deserve.
Direct district managers to fully implement the Fall Crisis Distance Learning MOU to utilize teacher substitutes to provide one on one and small group support.
3. Keep our educators in their school communities. No teacher consolidations during the pandemic. The impact of the pandemic has made it clear that our students need stability and support more than ever.
PLEASE! Keep our educators in their school communities. No teacher consolidations during the pandemic!!! The impact of the pandemic has made it clear that our students need stability and support more than ever.
OUSD has received millions of dollars in COVID-related relief funding that must be utilized to support our students. Our students deserve stability and to keep seeing their teacher on Zoom, Seesaw, and have additional staffing and support.
Keep our educators in their school communities. No teacher consolidations during the pandemic. The impact of the pandemic has made it clear that our students need stability and support more than ever.
Our students need all of the stability and support that we can give them in these uncertain times. The district has received COVID-related relief funds that should be used to give students additional 1:1 and small group support. We have substitute teachers ready to teach small groups, and we have an agreement in our MOU to leverage them to support students. Let's do what is right for kids- give them extra support, and keep their schools stable. No consolidations! When they do return to schools, our students deserve to see familiar faces. They have already lost so much!
If OUSD really believes in "Student's First", they will not move forward with consolidations during a pandemic and distance learning. Students are already doing their best to adapt to these unprecedented situations and it would be counter-productive to YANK away the teachers they have bonded with for the last 2 months. Also thinking forward, it's extremely likely that when schools do open in some form, there will be an increase in enrollment as well as teachers who are unable to return to in-person teaching due to health factors. Therefore leaving teachers at their current school sites now could help solve a future problem of being short staffed. In conclusion, consolidation should not be considered at this time.
Good evening. May you and your loved ones be healthy and safe. As a teacher who misses the in person classroom beyond what words can express, I ask you to please commit to the following
1. Only reopen in person instruction to serve unhoused youth and youth with IEPs, a small enough # to welcome safely. Do NOT reopen to the wider student body until there is a widely used vaccine against COVID19. Anything less than that is a stopgap measure. More kids will die and more teachers will die and more families will die from the virus unless we wait.
2.. Ensure that our students receive the additional support they deserve.
Direct district managers to fully implement the Fall Crisis Distance Learning MOU to utilize teacher substitutes to provide one on one and small group support.
3. Keep our educators in their school communities. No teacher consolidations during the pandemic. The impact of the pandemic has made it clear that our students need stability and support more than ever.
Message for OUSD Directors:
PLEASE! Keep our educators in their school communities. No teacher consolidations during the pandemic!!! The impact of the pandemic has made it clear that our students need stability and support more than ever.
OUSD has received millions of dollars in COVID-related relief funding that must be utilized to support our students. Our students deserve stability and to keep seeing their teacher on Zoom, Seesaw, and have additional staffing and support.
Keep our educators in their school communities. No teacher consolidations during the pandemic. The impact of the pandemic has made it clear that our students need stability and support more than ever.
Our students need all of the stability and support that we can give them in these uncertain times. The district has received COVID-related relief funds that should be used to give students additional 1:1 and small group support. We have substitute teachers ready to teach small groups, and we have an agreement in our MOU to leverage them to support students. Let's do what is right for kids- give them extra support, and keep their schools stable. No consolidations! When they do return to schools, our students deserve to see familiar faces. They have already lost so much!
If OUSD really believes in "Student's First", they will not move forward with consolidations during a pandemic and distance learning. Students are already doing their best to adapt to these unprecedented situations and it would be counter-productive to YANK away the teachers they have bonded with for the last 2 months. Also thinking forward, it's extremely likely that when schools do open in some form, there will be an increase in enrollment as well as teachers who are unable to return to in-person teaching due to health factors. Therefore leaving teachers at their current school sites now could help solve a future problem of being short staffed. In conclusion, consolidation should not be considered at this time.