T.-1 20-1580 Approval by the Board of Education of 45 Day District Budget Revision - 2020-21 Fiscal Year Adoption Budget for Unrestricted and Restricted General Fund, with $636,884,533 in revenue and $624,287,632 in expenditures, as specified in Attachment "A" - General Fund Restricted and Unrestricted Expenditures By Object and General Fund Unrestricted and Restricted Expenditures By Object; with all other Funds - Revenue and Expenditures - remaining in full force and effect as specified in the Adoption Budget approved by Board on June 26, 2020.
Please clarify the status of recommended bulk cuts (16.5 million I recall) as respects this budget. Are the putbacks reflected on page 3 notated "Reverse BDT reduction placeholder" a reflection that these cuts are no longer recommended or is there another explanation? What does BDT stand for? Does this affect the out years, and if so, how? Thank you!
Please clarify the status of recommended bulk cuts (16.5 million I recall) as respects this budget. Are the putbacks reflected on page 3 notated "Reverse BDT reduction placeholder" a reflection that these cuts are no longer recommended or is there another explanation? What does BDT stand for? Does this affect the out years, and if so, how? Thank you!