Meeting Time: June 04, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

20-1306 Presentation to the Budget and Finance Committee by Chief Business Officer, or designee, of the Governor's 2020-2021 - Education - May Revision.

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    Laura Judson almost 5 years ago

    OPD doesn’t belong in our schools. OUSD must reinvest the school police budget into supports for the whole child and students with disabilities. I am standing for OUSD to join a growing list of school districts who are breaking their relationships with local law enforcement because they understand the devastating impacts institutionalized racism has on our black and brown children and families. You must take steps to truly protect our communities & all of our futures. You must divest from OPD now, and actively implement solutions like those put forth by Black Organizing Project's Police Free Schools Initiative to not only strive for - achieve authentic student safety. We are watching to see what you do - and we will vote this coming November.