Meeting Time: June 04, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

20-1278 Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Budget and Finance Committee - June 4, 2020.

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    Rachel Moore almost 5 years ago

    I am writing as an educator and an Oakland resident. I support Black Organizing Project BOSS campaign and ask that you fully defund and remove OUSD police. Oakland students deserve to feel safe and supported in their schools, and BOP has clearly and convincingly shown that Black youth are disproportionately referred to law enforcement. This reinforces pushout and the school to prison pipeline. I urge you to carefully consider BOP's report on this topic and heed the call to action. Our youth deserve better, they need counselors and teachers, adults who care about them, not OPD officers in their schools.

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    Amy Wendland almost 5 years ago

    Thank you for your leadership, energy, and advocacy on behalf of Oakland students and their families. As part of your commitment to high quality public education, I am asking that you fully defund and remove all OUSD school police. Our young people need to feel safe and supported at school. This means classrooms, hallways, lunchrooms, and schoolyards without district-funded police. This also means partnering with Black, Indigenous, and other POC community leaders to ensure proper implementation of police removal from our schools. I encourage you to carefully review the Black Organizing Project BOSS campaign's well-researched, comprehensive plan for police-free schools and allow it to guide your work. Thank you.

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    Jade Romain almost 5 years ago

    I'm writing as a School-based Speech Language Pathologist who worked in Oakland schools. My job includes making effective communication accessible and achievable to all. My students with communication deficits aren’t just students with autism or in a moderate to severe classroom. They are students who have invisible deficits that manifest with behavioral concerns.
    So many of these students struggle to communicate their problems, their ideas, their sides of the story. They haven’t yet learned effective ways so they get frustrated for not being understood or heard. A school police officer does not facilitate a space for them to effectively communicate the incident or problem. Instead, it further criminalizes them and funnels them into the legal system. I am in support of the Black Organizing Project BOSS campaign calling for complete removal of OUSD School police. STOP contributing to the school-to-prison pipeline

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    Lily Sorrentino almost 5 years ago

    I am writing as a resident of oakland calling in solidarity with the Black Organizing Project BOSS campaign for complete removal of OUSD school police. This is a meaningful step to increasing the safety and well being of students and addressing the the school to prison pipeline which disproportionately affects students of color.

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    Olivia Won almost 5 years ago

    I'm writing as an environmental educator. Part of my job is to support students and teachers in Oakland with field trips to experience and learn about the natural world. I am in support of the Black Organizing Project BOSS campaign calling for complete removal of OUSD School police. STOP contributing to the school-to-prison pipeline.

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    Pamela Low almost 5 years ago

    I'm writing as an Arts Educator from the Asian Art Museum. Part of my job is to support students and teachers in Oakland with field trips and in-classroom enrichment. I am in support of the Black Organizing Project BOSS campaign calling for complete removal of OUSD School police. STOP contributing to the school-to-prison pipeline.