Meeting Time: May 27, 2020 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

T.-3 20-1023 Presentation to the Board of Education by the Superintendent of Schools, or designee, of a Report on the Blueprint for Quality Schools, as of May 27, 2020.

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    Jim Mordecai almost 5 years ago

    Pandemic budget cuts, and need to space out students on return, makes implementing Blue Print irrational.

    Neo-liberal view that purpose of education system is operational efficiency is one value. Another view is education system should operates in the interest of the diverse community of Oakland. While most Oakland schools are over 70% poverty enrollment, Board's policies support ongoing economic and racial segregation.
    "In our initial Board presentation, the cost of subsidizing the unsustainably-sized schools was ~$18 million. Based on Cohort 1 actions, decrease to ~$15 million. This effect is most pronounced at the middle school where we used to have 8 unsustainably sized schools and 'not' have 4." Explain sentence as makes no sense,

    Does the "unsustainable" model definition get modified when the school is co-located and income from charter calculated and part of the definition?