Meeting Time: May 21, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

20-1112 Discussion by Budget and Finance Committee, with the Superintendent of Schools, or designee, of how the Superintendent may recommend to the Board of Education the use of the Equity Formula to allocate resources fairly across the District.

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    Jim Mordecai almost 5 years ago

    AB1840 $16 million was determined by FICMAT's Michael Fine by March 1 and presented to Legislature's upper and lower house finance committees prior to the Board's March 4th cut of its budget. He saw at that point by March 1 $32 million unrestricted deficit by Mr. Fine's definition of not counting one time money unrestricted funds. If Michael Fine takes back one dollar of $16 million after the Legislature passes the Governor's budget, the District should sue for the court to intervene as metrics in AB 1840 were meant on date of Michael Fines submission.

    In face of pandemic closing schools is crazy. Need for safety to space students out not consolidate. Michael Fine must put his closing schools agenda on hold and put aside making Board follow his closing OUSD schools to save money agenda.