H.-1 20-0843 Public Comment on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Measure G1 Commission - Up to 30 Minutes - April 28, 2020.
Given the pandemic, are you able to advise as to whether or not we can:
a) reallocate expense amounts within G-1 Commission pre-approved expenses for 2019-20 (for instance use woodworking funds for music - both uses were already approved, and/or
b) defer funds that were to be used from 3/16/2020 - 5/28/2020 to Academic Year 2020-21, and/or
c) commence online learning for G-1 Commission approved music lesson expenses for 2019-20 during school-site closure (now through 5/28/2020)?
Hello Measure G-1 Commission:
Given the pandemic, are you able to advise as to whether or not we can:
a) reallocate expense amounts within G-1 Commission pre-approved expenses for 2019-20 (for instance use woodworking funds for music - both uses were already approved, and/or
b) defer funds that were to be used from 3/16/2020 - 5/28/2020 to Academic Year 2020-21, and/or
c) commence online learning for G-1 Commission approved music lesson expenses for 2019-20 during school-site closure (now through 5/28/2020)?