Meeting Time: April 07, 2020 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

S.-1 19-1936 Adoption by the Board of Education of Amendment - Board Policy - BP 5116.1, Intradistrict Open Enrollment - Opportunity Ticket - Revision.

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    Dirk Tillotson almost 5 years ago

    As a co- founder of the State of Black Education in Oakland and one of the partners in writing the opportunity ticket I oppose this watered down version that contains no opportunity except to Kaiser families. Since the preference goes below neighborhood next year and disappears altogether the following one. The Oakland REACH and us, wrote this thing, and now we both oppose, it as do our families. This was meant to break the old redlined neighborhoods, and give the real losers in closures, the families, some relief. And it was explicitly to break the historic segregated school lines. In its castrated version, it will not. Black and Brown families are the ones who almost always are the losers in school closures. So, the district saves some money, and a set of families pay the price. The OT was a way to say to those families most affected, that we will take care of you. We will give you your choice of schools, even if they are not in your neighborhood. I oppose.

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    Carol Delton almost 5 years ago

    These attachments do not appear to have changed over the past two weeks. Surely the concerns about the lease that have been raised by the community should be answered. Surely some additional comparison charter least costs and calculations could be provided. For example, what would the average cost for a private facility based on the calculations by the California Charter Association? OUSD's own consultant spoke of the value to a charter school of stability via a long term lease in a facility designed as a school. Surely Berkely Maynard should pay something for that value, something over the Prop 39 amount.