Meeting Time: April 07, 2020 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

P. Adoption of the General Consent Report

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    Judi Burle almost 5 years ago

    Re: Item 20-0601, Amendment to Contract with TeachBar for tutoring services: This amendment increases the number of sessions 50%, from 16 to 24. So assuming costs would increase 50% (a generous assumption since start-up costs would not increase), the contract should increase to no more than $56,964, not $62,776. Why would the increase include this extra $5812? Since this contract is paid from the general fund, $5812 could be used for a site-based need such as a noon supervisor. While this may seem like a small amount, these tyoes of extra costs add up, and are often much higher. This is poor cost control, to say the least. Please remove this item from the consent calendar and revisit to reflect an accurate proportional change.