This comment is with respect to all the 2020-21 Comprehensive Safety Plans for approval today. As a general matter, it would be helpful to know what schools if any have robust School Safety/Climate teams with active parent/student involvement and communication out around safety protocols. I suspect most of these plans are adopted with minimal discussion by SSCs. The plans for all schools appear to be largely blank except for drill schedules and specific information on the population of students receiving special education services. Given the importance of our safety, I wonder whether there is a way to reinvigorate the school climate/safety planning process and align it better either with site planning or existing family/student engagement, communication and execution and safety and school climate priorities. Right now, this appears to be largely a check-the-box compliance exercise that also centers police interaction.
This comment is with respect to all the 2020-21 Comprehensive Safety Plans for approval today. As a general matter, it would be helpful to know what schools if any have robust School Safety/Climate teams with active parent/student involvement and communication out around safety protocols. I suspect most of these plans are adopted with minimal discussion by SSCs. The plans for all schools appear to be largely blank except for drill schedules and specific information on the population of students receiving special education services. Given the importance of our safety, I wonder whether there is a way to reinvigorate the school climate/safety planning process and align it better either with site planning or existing family/student engagement, communication and execution and safety and school climate priorities. Right now, this appears to be largely a check-the-box compliance exercise that also centers police interaction.