Meeting Time: February 26, 2020 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

P.-2 19-2689 Approval by the Board of Education of Purchase Agreement* between District and Mobile Modular Management Corporation, Livermore, CA, for the latter to furnish, deliver, and install three (3) new portable classroom buildings (24' x 40' each) for the Sankofa Academy Merger Project in the amount of $356,171.69, as the selected vendor, and authorizing the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the Agreement for same with said vendor with work scheduled to commence on February 27, 2020, and scheduled to last until December 31, 2021, pursuant to the Agreement. -------------- *Pursuant to Public Contract Code §20118, utilizing the "Piggyback-Cooperative Purchase Agreement #B-17-28-11-000-9291" as of January 19, 2018 to supply and deliver portable goods and services to the Pajaro Valley Unified School District, CA (the "Piggyback Contract").

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    Carol Delton about 5 years ago

    This is 30% more than was estimated in costs to the public. Is it needed based on projected enrollment through accepted options offers?