Meeting Time: February 26, 2020 at 4:00pm PST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

Closed Session Item(s):

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    Susan Sobeloff about 5 years ago

    RESOLUTION NO. 1920-0205
    I'm writing in support of OUSD declaring the former Piedmont CDC non-surplus and moving forward with a joint lease agreement with the Oakland Public Library. Using the vacant CDC for a public library will be a terrific resource for the Piedmont Avenue students and the people in the neighborhood.

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    Carol Delton about 5 years ago

    Please make sure that any lease of 6200 San Pablo is of actual fiscal benefit to OUSD. The current lease to Berkley Maynard amounts to a giveaway of district resources to a school that doesn't even belong to the Oakland SELPA nor serve a comparable percentage of students with disabilities as does OUSD. The current lease allows the school to write off its already below market rent up to $300K per year for "improvements" that customize the site to the charter's needs. Based on the agreement, rent appears to total under $300K for indistrict enrollment, thus is less than charters in other districts (e.g. KIPP in Ravenswood) pay for a facility half the size. If the terms are not favorable to OUSD, please wait until they are. Please do not make it another giveaway like LPS at Castlemont. It's no way to help yourselves out of a fiscal crisis.