Close charter schools to increase integration and increase funding to the budget. The Charter Office criteria for renewing charters does not strictly follow Charter Law: "The authority that granted the charter shall consider increases in pupil academic achievement for all groups of pupils served by the charter school as the most important factor in determining whether to grant a charter renewal." [47607(a)(3)(A).
Charter Office book on renewal mentions mentions increases in pupil academic achievement for all groups but substitutes a different criteria: "The school is academically sound." [Charter Office Charter Renewal Handbook 2019-20, pg. 8]
This lower standard substitution results in renewals not in compliance with California Charter Law.
Close charter schools to increase integration and increase funding to the budget. The Charter Office criteria for renewing charters does not strictly follow Charter Law: "The authority that granted the charter shall consider increases in pupil academic achievement for all groups of pupils served by the charter school as the most important factor in determining whether to grant a charter renewal." [47607(a)(3)(A).
Charter Office book on renewal mentions mentions increases in pupil academic achievement for all groups but substitutes a different criteria: "The school is academically sound." [Charter Office Charter Renewal Handbook 2019-20, pg. 8]
This lower standard substitution results in renewals not in compliance with California Charter Law.