Meeting Time: November 06, 2019 at 6:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

C.-3 19-2224 7:00 PM - Public Hearing by the Board of Education of North Oakland Community Charter School - Petition and Proposed Charter - Grades K-5 - July 1, 2020-June 30, 2025 (Renewal).

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    David Lorenzetti over 5 years ago

    I write to ask you to renew the charter for North Oakland Community Charter School (NOCCS).

    For my family and me, NOCCS brings a wonderful combination of academic quality, arts training, and social awareness to our daughter's education.

    As the first person in my family to earn a PhD -- my grandfather having quit sixth grade to work in the coal mines -- I am only too aware of the need for a solid academic education. Yet I also grew up in fairly homogeneous neighborhoods, and feel that it took me too long to appreciate how different people's perspectives can be, depending on culture, race, education, income, and so on.

    I actively value the approach NOCCS takes because they seek to "surface" these issues, yet without subordinating the learning experience. I believe her NOCCS experience is improving my daughter's ability to understand and resolve her differences with others, but without giving up the formal underpinnings that, ultimately, matter most to me.

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    Joshua Owings over 5 years ago

    NOCCS is a great school with a diverse and vibrant community, and a commitment to the needs and success of every student. PLEASE RENEW THE CHARTER.

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    Tara Douglaas over 5 years ago

    Roses has been and contunue to be the place for my son. The Staff there has been paitient, and suppotive to me and my family in so many ways for the last 4 years. We need Roses in concrete, i need Roses in Concrete to continue to provide that nurturing enviorment . Thank you!

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    Margaret Stretch over 5 years ago

    I am a parent writing in support of the NOCCS Charter Renewal. My two daughters attend kindergarten and 1st grade at NOCCS. The tight knit community at the school and emphasis on art, music and dance as well as mindfulness and nonviolent communication conflict resolution truly makes NOCCS an amazing school for my daughters to attend. My partner and I attended small schools growing up and this was important for us to find a school community where we feel seen and heard. My daughters are learning about advanced topics such as Native American and African American history as well as artists such as Frida Khalo, Vincent Van Gogh. Yesterday my eldest daughter in 1st grade talked about feminism and body image positivity. I am continually amazed by the quality of education that my daughters are receiving. Please renew their charter so that my children and my third daughter who we plan to enroll in NOCCS when she comes of age can continue to receive this excellent caliber of education.

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    Adam Eads over 5 years ago

    Writing in support of renewal of NOCCS charter for another five years. NOCCS has given our family an opportunity to send our son to a school that truly represents Oakland in every respect. This school is an important asset to this city and our neighborhood. We aren’t a well resourced school, but I could never have imagined we would find such a strong community in our school in a few short months. Academically, Thomas is thriving. Socially, he has created a strong group of friends, but more importantly developed amazing skills in conflict resolution that some of us adults would do well to adopt. He is learning not just how to create art but about the roots of art and great artists. Music, dance and gardening are all part of his week. These are the types of activities we would expect to find at a private school or a school with a wealthy PTA, and we feel so blessed that our son has access to such a holistic education. I urge you to renew the NOCCS charter. Thank you.

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    Oakland Parent over 5 years ago

    We are a transracial family, with one white son and two black kids. We searched and toured every school within 5 miles of our home and NOCCS (North Oakland Community Charter School) is the only one that has equal representation for them in both student body and teaching staff. This is VERY important to us - to have a place for all our children where they can see themselves reflected in their school body and staff. NOCCS is the only school that prioritizes radical inclusion in our neighborhoods - in a time when we desperately need it! Please renew their charter!