Meeting Time: October 18, 2019 at 8:00am PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

G.-1 19-2088 Public Comments on All Non-Agenda Items Within the Subject Matter Jurisdiction of the Facilities Committee - October 18, 2019.

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    Carol Delton over 5 years ago

    While visiting the Piedmont CDC today, I spoke with a member of the Friends of the Piedmont Ave Public Library and learned about their lease of the portable on the Piedmont ES Campus and the Friends of the Library's concern that they could lose their lease which currently runs through 2022. It seems that the terms ($2500/rent per month plus full pro-rated utilities) are very reasonable to OUSD compared to some leases that have come through in the last year like the recent Head Start lease, and also meet the needs of the Library. The lease terms from the 2017 renewal include language about OUSD revising its master plan and possibly setting other standards for leases. My question: does the factilities committee intend to include leasing standards in its new facilities master plan? If so, I hope it will include actual financial benefit to the district, nothing below Prop 39 rates and a process for evaluating "upgrades" to assure that they are of actual benefit to OUSD.