Meeting Time: October 17, 2019 at 6:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

19-2094 7-11 Committee Assembly and then Break Out Sessions with Attendance Area Community to a) receive input, pursuant to statutory criteria, as to whether the Former Piedmont CDC is needed presently and in the foreseeable future as in educational facility by the District and b) if not, shall the property be declared surplus and what advisory recommendation(s), if any, on future use should be made to the Board of Education. This item constitutes a hearing of community input to the 7-11 Committee on acceptable uses of space and real property pursuant to Education Code Section 17390(c).

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    Carol Delton over 5 years ago

    Hello, 7-11 Committee,
    I am a neighbor within one mile of the Piedmont CDC and I hope to be able to see the site. I do not think I will be able to stay for the meeting so I did want to let you know that, to date, our household down the hill has not received a mailer from OUSD concerning this item.
    While it is likely that I will have comments specific to this site after I see it, I am very concerned that the Board has consistently voted on property deals that are not a good deal for OUSD. Examples include a long-term lease at Castlemont that takes in even less than Prop 39 rates and, most recently, a year lease of classrooms at an elementary site to HeadStart for $1.00 per year with the district picking up the utilities. Whatever the use is for the property it must be of benefit to the district.

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    Jim Mordecai over 5 years ago

    The State holds $300 million in one time money to built facilities for full-day kindergarten. Why not use the space to provide upgrade in the schools facilities for Transitional Kindergartern/Kindergarten class rooms?

    Where is the wisdom on selling property or tying OUSD property up in multi-year leases when the property may be needed in future years but that will be too expensive to buy in the future or not available because they are being leased?

    Financial mismanagement of the District/fSchool Board is a poor excuse for having to sell the public's property.