Meeting Time: October 01, 2019 at 6:30pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

19-1961 Joint review/discussion by the Audit Committee and/or the Budget and Finance Committee with Chief Systems and Services Officer, or designee, of District's Unaudited Actuals pertaining to: · Explaining the different pots of money · Line item explanation of restricted and newly-received funds · What are we doing to ensure that restricted funds are being used? · What surprises were there? and · Redistribution of funds cut from school sites

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    Carol Delton over 5 years ago

    Unanswered questions on Fund 67: Whose salary is budgeted out of this fund? What does Segal & Co do for the 1.25 million the district has paid them over 5 years?

    Please note, while I do not think a commentator should be required to select a position, I am selecting "oppose" because the UA showed a 3.5% Reserve for EU, while the board authorized a 3% reserve.