Meeting Time: March 13, 2019 at 4:00pm PDT
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

P.-5 19-0161 Approval by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1819-0098 - Layoffs/Additions/Net of Classified Positions for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 - providing for the reduction or layoff of classified positions, and increase or creation of authorized classified positions based on lack of funds and/or program need as reflected through the Budget Development process for 2019-2020 Fiscal Year.

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    Marin Moran almost 6 years ago

    As a parent, I know first hand that our students deserve more support, not less. Instead of cutting student programs and laying off the most vulnerable employees in OUSD, the School Board needs to get to finally get serious about restructuring central administration, get a handle on growing consulting costs, and stop hiding needed funds in books and supplies

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    Kate Angelo almost 6 years ago

    As a parent of a Kindergartener in OUSD, I implore you to halt any decision on resolution (19-) 0160, commonly known as the City Wide Plan until you can meet the community engagement requirements called on by Director Eng in resolution 0481.
    Our community of parents (at Kaiser Elementary) has requested engagement, transparency, and additional information that has not been provided. To date there has not been any community engagement that could justify you moving forward with these plans.

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    Aaron Stark almost 6 years ago

    As an Oakland property owner and Oakland special education teacher for 18 years, I oppose these cuts. The district continues to take short-sighted actions that chip away at the quality of education that is provided to our students. Classified employees provide vital services that directly impact our most vulnerable students and the educational environment for the entire school community. We must work together to demand systemic changes that build stronger public schools for all students.

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    Kiera Swan almost 6 years ago

    I oppose the vote to cut classified staff. The district and Board continue to make decisions and cuts that impact student learning environments. At the same time there are highly paid central office staff in duplicative roles making $200k+. The Board continues to not do it's job, not listen to community and students and it is shameful. We need more staff at school sites not less and we need less staff at 1000 Broadway. Vote no on these unnecessary cuts and chop from the top!

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    Bina Jay about 6 years ago

    I oppose all the cuts that will continue regardless of a seven day strike that was a success. This is so wrong and students are the main ones who will be affected and hurt. Why is it necessary to cut support staff that barely make a living wage? Why does this happen every and it makes no sense to me at all? I feel that those at the top (Administrators, contracted individuals and salaries should be affected)

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    Christine Fairchild about 6 years ago

    I was a teacher at Thornhill School for 30 years, and I currently work as an OUSD substitute. I know that closing public schools and implementing privatized options is NOT what Oakland kids need to thrive and succeed. Oakland kids need strong community PUBLIC schools, that are fully-funded and staffed to give them the support and stability they need. I oppose the Community of Schools plan and call on you to reject it. I support free PUBLIC education for ALL!

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    Meryl Miller about 6 years ago

    As a parent of a current & future Kaiser student I am firmly opposed to closing & "merging" schools. Studies show this hurts student's well being & educational progress. If OUSD cared about the potential of its students they would STOP closing/merging schools, cutting vital student programs & laying off employees directly serving students. OUSD does not have a budget problem, it has an enrollment problem. FUND EDUCATION. Fund our students, not your pockets.

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    Emily York about 6 years ago

    As a parent of a Kaiser student, I am against any closing or “merging” of schools because of the mismanagement of funds by OUSD. Instead of cutting student programs, closing schools and laying off the most vulnerable employees in OUSD, the School Board needs to get to finally get serious about restructuring central administration, get a handle on growing consulting costs, and stop hiding needed funds in books and supplies. Clean your own house before you break apart our communities.

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    Ismael Armendariz about 6 years ago

    As a special education teacher, I know first hand that our students deserve more support, not less. Instead of cutting student programs and laying off the most vulnerable employees in OUSD, the School Board needs to get to finally get serious about restructuring central administration, get a handle on growing consulting costs, and stop hiding needed funds in books and supplies. Also, we still have Vacancies!!!!!!

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    Carla Schick about 6 years ago

    As a taxpayer and retired public high school math teacher and a person who continues to work with new teachers in Hayward USD I have always voted to tax myself to support schools. I am appalled that you are blaming teachers for the cuts. Oakland, like every other district received LCAP funds. These should be used to retain and train teachers and for support for the classroom. Do your job— fund education not administration. Stop the cuts.

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    Ann Swinburn about 6 years ago

    You all know you don't have it make THESE cuts! Cut your bloated contracting budget, stop hiding funds in books & supplies, and cut the police force. DEMAND that the Superintendent finally restructure central like you ordered her to do months ago. Where are your principles? No cuts to classified!

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    Loraine Woodard about 6 years ago

    As a teacher at Oakland International High School, I don't believe we can run effective schools without an adequate support staff. OUSD should make central office cuts, especially to employees with high salaries who do not work directly with students. Many of our outside consultants should also be cut.

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    Claire C about 6 years ago

    As a parent of a special education student I know first hand that the students in our community deserve more support, not less. Instead of cutting student programs and laying off the most vulnerable employees in OUSD, the School Board needs to get to get serious about restructuring central administration, and get the money to where it is needed, at the schools, for our teachers and enriching services, not cutting them.

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    Andrew Burt about 6 years ago

    Why does the OUSD School Police Chief make nearly $200,000 a year? Why does our superintendent make nearly 250,000 a year? Why does OUSD pay at least two lawyers six figure salaries to be the district's general counsel?

    Chop from the top.

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    Danielle Bastien about 6 years ago

    As a teacher at Bret Harte, I know first hand that our students deserve more support, not less. Instead of cutting student programs and laying off the most vulnerable employees in OUSD, the School Board needs to finally get serious about restructuring central administration, get a handle on growing consulting costs, and stop hiding needed funds in books and supplies.

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    Patricia Barros about 6 years ago

    As a special education specialist for OUSD, I know first hand that our students deserve more support, not less. Stop praying on the vulnerable and start listening to the people in the community. The School Board should listen to us, not the wealthy. Restructure the central administration, get a handle on growing consulting costs, and begin funding students with special education needs. Stop blatantly ignoring the poor and their needs. It is unfair and selfish. We need more community support.

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    Mary Prophet about 6 years ago

    "I am a mentor teacher and 37 year classroom teacher. Oakland kids need real, strong community public schools, that are fully-funded and staffed to give them the support and stability they need. I oppose the Community of Schools plan and call on you to reject it."

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    Denise Palmer about 6 years ago

    As a teacher st Joaquin Miller Elementary, I am opposed to closing public schools.

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    Ben Barrientos about 6 years ago

    I am coach at OHS. The consultants salary hired to consult the OAL was a waste of money. Some athletic programs could have benefited from the $ wasted on the consultant

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    Gabrielle Rubinstein about 6 years ago

    As a teacher at New Highland Academy I know first hand that our students deserve more support, not less. Instead of cutting student programs and laying off the most vulnerable employees in OUSD, the School Board needs to get to finally get serious about restructuring central administration, get a handle on growing consulting costs, and stop hiding needed funds in books and supplies.