Meeting Time: August 10, 2016 at 4:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

16-1668 Adoption by the Board of Education of Resolution No. 1516-0269 - Award of Bid and Construction Contract between the District and Strawn Construction, Inc., San Jose, CA., for the latter, as lowest responsive, responsible bidder, to provide electrical and plumbing improvements to FabLab and Garden, remodel library with new furniture, room layout, painting and flooring, and additional seating and planters in courtyard, with work to be conducted in one (1) phase, with contract duration of (107) calendar days, commencing August 11, 2016 and concluding no later than November 25, 2016, in conjunction with the Castlemont High School Intensive Support Site Project, more specifically delineated in the scope of services in Exhibit "A", incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth, in the amount of $1,312,374.