13-0938 Property: Dr. Marcus Foster Education Leadership Campus, Oakland, California.
Agency negotiator(s): Jacqueline Minor, General Counsel.
Negotiating parties:
Under negotiation: Instructions to Negotiators will concern price and terms.
Doesn't the public have a right to know who the District is negotiating with? What is the name of company negotiating price and terms? I suppose Brown Act restricts the public from knowing price and terms but don't believe the Brown Act inhibits the Broad from identifying the company that is representing the District in negotiations and how much the District negotiators are being paid.
Doesn't the public have a right to know who the District is negotiating with? What is the name of company negotiating price and terms? I suppose Brown Act restricts the public from knowing price and terms but don't believe the Brown Act inhibits the Broad from identifying the company that is representing the District in negotiations and how much the District negotiators are being paid.